Most Important Thing to Make Arriving at Your Home Unique

Most Important Thing to Make Arriving at Your Home Unique

Entryways set the tone for your home. Learn about them here. We’re a landscaping company that designs and installs entryways on Long Island, NY.

22 Oct, 2018

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Most Important Thing to Make Arriving at Your Home Unique

Most Important Thing to Do When Designing Your Front Entryway

Everybody "knows it when they see it" - a home that's gorgeous from the street. Everything from the driveway, the lawn, the path to the front door and the entryway. Things are perfect, but it's not anything in particular that makes it gorgeous. How do you do it? And what is that "it factor" that takes it from clean and new to "wow!"?

We've all seen homes where the front yard is immaculate, and the space is completely usable, but the features don't seem to mesh... the driveway doesn't seem to "match]" the porch, or the walkway seems to be a different style than the entryway. It's like there was a different designer for each part of the project. Usually, we're not looking that closely, and the result is... nothing special. It's nice and then on with your life.

But every once and while, you see a home where everything just "works!" It's stunning, and the reason isn't because the home owners paid that much more, though their home looks like they paid much more. Everything flows gracefully, yet the features each stand out on their own merit. What is that thing?

The Key is to fit new entryways into their surroundings!

Think about it this way... practically speaking, the whole point of the front of the home is its role in welcoming guests to the entryway. Now I'm not saying that it's not usable, it totally is. But from a curb appeal perspective, the front of the home welcomes guests to the home. And where do guests enter the home? The entryway. From this perspective, the entryway could be considered the heart of the home's entrance.

Because of the entryway's central role, it needs to be designed and installed well. But because it's not the only feature, it needs to be designed to match the other features.

How to design an Entryway to mesh with its surroundings?

This is where skill comes in, and often, this skill is developed from doing Entryway designs for different homes over a period of years. Options can be limited by the surroundings, so attention to the landscape's details becomes paramount is choosing what materials to use, what features and dimensions to use and more. Of course, general design experience is good, but nothing beats experience in designing entryways for that thing! that makes the entryways stand out.

What if I want a professional to do it?

I have to say... when it comes to curb appeal projects, a professional's experience is hard to match. When it's your trade, you tend to find patterns that work and those patterns eliminate a lot of options that would normally distract or at least complicate a design for a first-time entryway designer. And adding in the extra importance of the entryway to the home's curb appeal - which is an important part of the long-term value of the home, and an aspect of the home that's less likely to be redone again - this is a project best trusted to a professional design and build landscaping company.

Hey, did you know? We are a professional design and build landscaping company.

We design and install stand-alone features, like Entryways, all the way through entire property renovations. You can always check out our Completed Projects at your leisure, or ask us to invite you to our design studio for a personal tour through 3D designs and video walkthroughs of projects that are similar to yours so you can get a feel for just how great of an entryway Autumn Leaf can design and install for you. You can call us at (631) 424-5544.

Autumn Leaf

Plan. Design. Build. Enjoy for a lifetime.

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